Meet John Doe
Meet John Doe is a 1941 in film United States comedy film drama directed and produced by Frank Capra, and starring Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck. The film is about a "grassroots" political campaign created unwittingly by a newspaper columnist and pursued by a wealthy businessman. Afterward, fe...
Battleship Potemkin
Paul Robeson - The Emperer Jones
The Emperor Jones is a 1933 film adaptation of the Eugene O'Neill The Emperor Jones, directed by Dudley Murphy, featuring Paul Robeson, Dudley Digges, Frank H. Wilson, and Fredi Washington. The screenplay was written by DuBose Heyward and filmed at Kaufman Astoria Studios. Robeson starred as Emp...
Phantom of the Opera
The Phantom of the Opera is a 1925 American Silent film horror film adaptation of Gaston Leroux's The Phantom of the Opera. It was directed by Rupert Julian and starred Lon Chaney, Sr in the title role of the deformed Phantom who haunts the Palais Garnier, causing murder and mayhem in an attempt ...
A Star Is Born
Star Is Born
Run Time: 1 hour 50 minutes
Starring: Janet Gaynor and Fredric March
Director: William A. Wellman
Script: William W. Wellman, Robert Carson, Dorothy Parker, and Alan Campbell
Producer: David O. Selznick
Music by Maximilian Raoul Steiner Max Steiner
Cinematography: W.... -
Night of the Living Dead - Original Classic Movie!
Night of the Living Dead
Directed by: George A. Romero
Screenplay by: John Russo, and George A. Romero
Produced by: Russell W. Streiner, and Karl Hardman
Judith O'Dea
Duane Jones
Marilyn Eastman
Karl Hardman
Judith Ridley
Keith Wayne
Russell W. StreinerCine...
Lying Lips
It's Mitzy!: The Masquerade Ball!
Mitzy finally gets her masked ball. Unbeknownst to Mitzy, Her sister has set out to ruin Mitzy's Ball!
Starring: Shira Alon as Ballerina, Kahlo De Jesus Buffington as Leon,
Cameron Case as BoneHead, Akin Coley as TwoShoe, Billynaire Cruz as
Clown, Jessica Dardarian as Fay Henderson / One-Eye... -
A Christmas Carol - by Charles Dickens - Black and White - Short Film
A Christmas Carol - by Charles Dickens - Black and White - Short Film
Roger Corman' s - The Terror 1963
My Man Godfrey
Charlie Chaplan _ The Rink - 1916
The Ape 1940 - Boris Karloff
His Girl Friday